There might still be a chill in the air but Spring is right around the corner so it’s time to get your cabin-fevered kids signed up for Paducah Parks and Recreation Spring Sports. Team sports are a great way for children to meet new friends, exercise, learn the fundamentals, rules and structure of a sport. Paducah Parks and Recreation has many options to choose from to get your children outside and active.
Tee Ball & Rookie League
Paducah Parks and Recreation offers Youth Tee Ball and Rookie League for boys and girls ages 5 – 9 in the community at an affordable price. The goal of this league is for youth to learn the basic skills of the sport, show improvement throughout the season, and have fun! The league’s focus is on improving the skills of throwing, baserunning, fielding, and hitting. The league is held at the Noble Park Ball Fields. This is a great league for boys and girls who want to play baseball and softball as they get older. Games are on Saturday afternoons in May and Saturday mornings in June with additional Tuesday night games later in the season. Practices are always held on Tuesday nights. Players who sign up will be assigned teams and are provided a uniform for games. Coaches are volunteers so parents are asked to consider volunteering to help coach. Players should have their own glove and tennis shoes. The league will provide helmets, bats, balls, and any other equipment needed for games and practices.
Tiny Tot Soccer
Tiny Tot Soccer is a non-competitive, four-week league for children ages 3 – 5 to learn the basic fundamentals for playing soccer and become familiar with the sport. Each week will consist of 30 minutes of practice followed by a 30-minute scrimmage or game at the Jetton Soccer Fields. T-Shirts and shin guards will be provided. Tennis shoes are preferred (but not provided).
PAYSA – Paducah Area Youth Soccer Association
PAYSA is conducted by the Paducah Area Youth Soccer Association, the Paducah Tilghman High School Coaching Staff, and Paducah Parks and Recreation. Kids Kindergarten through 5th Grade will learn the basic fundamentals of playing soccer and improve their skills in practices and games over a five-week period. Teams will meet on Monday nights for practice and will have games on Saturdays at the Jetton Soccer Fields. Each child will be placed on a team and will play other teams in their grade division. T-shirts and shin guards will be provided. Either tennis shoes or cleats are acceptable but will not be provided.
Whether it’s the scheduled exercise, the vitamin D from the sunlight, the self-esteem boosts from a high-five by a teammate, or even making a new lifelong friend, the benefits of team sports for children are plentiful. The deadline for signups is March 20. The sunny Spring weather will be here faster than we realize so don’t delay!