The West End is primarily residential living and home to affordable and affluent houses. This neighborhood is conveniently placed in the heart of the city and has easy access to any of Paducah’s attractions.
The Pines and Heather Hills neighborhoods are nestled within quiet coves and host a variety of modern family homes placed on spacious lots. For more secluded living, these neighborhoods are close to the Hickory Hill private neighborhood which hosts a variety of home styles from lavish to classic American builds.
Occupying a former golf course, the Westwood Hills neighborhood is a signature home development subdivision paving the way for large single-family homes in Paducah.
The neighborhoods and subdivisions along Pecan Drive are placed just down the road from Strawberry Hill and home to a diverse 1-story and 2-story houses. Nearby is West Vale, a private neighborhood with unique styles of homes inspired by Cape Cod, American barns and Italian villa architecture.
For affordable living options, residents choose to live along West Jefferson Street and the surrounding streets. The homes within this area are often quaint in size and offer easy accessibility to any of Paducah’s communities for work, entertainment, and recreation.
The West End of Paducah is primarily residential living and is centrally located with easy access to the Mall Area and Downtown Paducah. Churches large and small occupy this neighborhood. Established as one of Paducah’s largest churches, Heartland Church can be found along Pecan Drive and offers small group gatherings and worship for guests and members alike. Immanuel Baptist Church is conveniently placed next to Clark Elementary School and offers Sunday school, Sunday worship services, and Wednesday evening activities for youth and adults.
Partake in the West End in for Paducah’s finest living.