Chances are if you have eaten in a restaurant in Paducah or surrounding areas, you have seen a Tanager Advertising digital advertising display. Tanager has 52 monitors in McCracken County alone! These displays provide viewers with advertising, local sports and weather information. They now feature Partake in Paducah’s content as well.
“I am honored that we are able to work together,” says Patsy Pierce of Tanager Advertising. “Paducah is home. I love the Partake in Paducah mission and seeing how this hashtag has brought our community together with stories of businesses and members of our community showcasing the diversity of Paducah.”
“Tanager Advertising monitors are a great way to showcase the amazing photography and content that the Partake in Paducah account distributes. This feed provides continuously updated content to our monitors and provides new content to our viewers in addition to the advertising, local sports, and weather already featured.”
“We offer our sincere thanks to Tanager Advertising for including Partake in Paducah as a part of their content delivery to local viewers,” says Jonas Neihoff, President of Socially Present (the management team behind Partake in Paducah). “Our mission is to be an inclusive brand that features all aspects of Paducah. The added visibility gained from this partnership will help us reach new viewers and discover new stories that are waiting to be told.”